Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Module 3

Below is the link to Time Magazines E-zine. I chose this particular e-zine because of it's reliability for current events and news.

The following link is the "news" blog I chose.

I can see a dramatic difference in the e-zine and news blog. The e-zine is more professional looking, while the e-zine tends to be more opinion based. Though, the news blog gives current events and news, it also has the opinion of the blogger along with it.
Being able to post your opinion about current events is great, especially for those who have the same interests and opinions. I, myself, would rely more on the Time website verses the blog. Since they are so opinion based and anyone can post, reliability for a news blog will not compare to known sites as well.
I feel the Time site is a credible source of news and current events with the advantage of being to research past events as well.
They were both fairly easy to find on the Internet. Blogs are everywhere containing any kind of information you can imagine.
I feel my thesis is supported in my findings here as I still do not trust personal blogs without research of my own and in that it is a great opportunity for the "non-journalist" to express their views and opinions. I give it a 5.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I agree, blogs are a great way for non-journalists to post their thoughts and opinions on certain topics. But they are much less professional than an e-zine and aren't always the best place to find factual information.